Rate update: Watch out for tax reform

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Nov 222017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

It’s Thanksgiving week, and bond markets are pretty quiet. Rates are bouncing around in a very narrow range as they’re apt to do when everyone is full of turkey. However, that quiet may belie building pressure to move interest rates.

The biggest motivator of movement is the tax reform plan. As it sits now, markets seem cautiously optimistic that something will come of Congressional action. That optimism seems to have placed a floor under rates, but the caution is keeping them from moving much higher.

In simple terms, a large part of the tax plan is tax cuts. Tax cuts typically boost economic growth. Economic growth creates competition for goods (such as employees and raw materials), leading to higher prices for those goods. Higher prices, aka inflation, are the enemy of low interest rates.

At least that’s the way it seemed to work in the past. The world seems awash now in many raw materials, so higher growth might have a minimal impact on their prices. And the Philips Curve, which basically says low US unemployment should lead to higher wages, seems to have less relevance due in part to globalization.

That said, if the Senate next week seems to be coalescing around a tax plan, any tax plan, I expect rates will edge up a bit.

I wish you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving.

Qualifying with rental income from Airbnb

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Nov 202017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

With the growing popularity of Airbnb and other short term rental options, Freddie Mac has updated its conventional loan guidelines to allow you to use that rental income to qualify for a mortgage. However, the conditions for inclusion are rather tight.

To use short-term rental income for qualifying, you must have a two-year history of receiving it as documented on Schedule E of your tax return. Freddie contends that short-term rental income tends to fluctuate, so a historical view is needed. You can expect Freddie to take the lower amount or an average of the two years as qualifying income. Also note that short-term rental income for your primary residence, like renting out your home during SWSX, will not count as qualifying income even if you do it every year.

Freddie announced one other significant change to its guidelines for rental income. If you don’t have at least one year of investment property experience, Freddie will limit the amount of rental income that can count as qualifying income to 30% of the net rental income from your investment property. Freddie says the limit addresses the risk that rental income is a new type of income for the borrower.

Freddie says the changes are effective Feb 9th of next year, but some lenders may implement them earlier.

Congress looks to private market to cover flood risk

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Nov 162017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Back in Aug, I reported that on Congress’ to-do list was reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program, or NFIP. The program will expire on 12/8 unless Congress does something.

Tues, the House passed what it calls the 21st Century Flood Reform Act. The biggest reforms in the bill are provisions to encourage the private flood insurance market, transferring some of the risk away from the government.

Supporters of the reforms say that it will allow for lower cost policies that could appeal even to folks who aren’t required to have flood insurance. 80% of the flooded homes in Houston didn’t have flood insurance mainly because it wasn’t required. They weren’t located in a recognized flood zone. A lower-cost flood policy that could be bundled with homeowner’s and auto policies could be an attractive option.

Opponents of the bill say it will allow the private market to cherry pick the least risky properties from NFIP, making it financially unsound.

The bill also contains a $1 billion mitigation fund. A Pew Charitable Trust study showed that just 1% of homes covered under NFIP have produced almost a third of the claims due to repeat flooding. The funds will help folks modify their homes to reduce flood risk or to help them relocate.

The bill now goes to the Senate where its fate is uncertain. What is certain is that Congress must act in the next month to avoid disrupting the real estate markets in flood-prone communities.

Rate update: rates caught in an updraft

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Nov 152017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Did you catch the dip in mortgage rates last week? It was sweet while it lasted. Rates bumped back up at the end of the week.

If you didn’t catch it, let’s see what the crystal ball holds for rates going forward. Markets seem focused on two issues:

– The first is inflation. Despite the unprecedented efforts of the Federal Reserve, inflation has been virtually non-existent throughout this recovery. The Fed has a target rate of 2%, and the Fed’s favored measure, the PCE, hasn’t been that high in a long time.

This morning, we got the Oct Consumer Price Index. While this isn’t the one the Fed watches, it has historical significance, and markets pay attention. Several other inflation metrics recently have indicated budding pricing pressure, but the CPI remained pretty tame with core inflation still under 2%. So, while markets wait for the next inflation report, they’ll probably turn their full attention to the second issue.

– And that is tax reform. Given the current positive momentum, rates are feeling an updraft. Granted the House and Senate plans differ, but I don’t think markets are particularly concerned about which plan wins. They only care about the boost that lower tax rates will give the economy. And an economic boost should pressure interest rates higher.

Of course, one scary headline could quickly deflate this momentum. But absent that, I suggest you remain defensive for higher rates.

The death of down payment assistance?

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Nov 032017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Recent surveys indicate that saving for a down payment is one the biggest hurdles to homeownership. With rising home prices, that hurdle may seem like a moving target. Some homebuyers are turning to down payment assistance programs for help.

Well, Freddie Mac just threw cold water on one popular method of funding these programs. It’s called differential rate pricing or premium pricing. The lender provides assistance equal to 3 to 5% of the loan amount in exchange for a substantially higher interest rate. As Freddie correctly discerned, the result is a no down payment, higher-rate mortgage, which violates current conventional loan guidelines. As of 11/1, Freddie will disallow its use with low down payment loan programs.

I have not heard if Fannie Mae is planning a similar prohibition, but given that both agencies are owned by the government, one has to wonder. FHA officials have been squabbling among themselves for over a year about the legality of premium priced programs. For now, they are permitted.

If you’re struggling to find the funds for a down payment, I suggest you check out my Can I Qualify with limited savings videos for ideas. You also may want to check with your city or county for down payment assistance that doesn’t use premium pricing. Keep in mind that most of these programs have income and purchase price limits, and you may have to repay some or all of the assistance if you don’t stay in the home for 5 to 10 years.

Rate update: Fed nomination is a chance to lock your rate

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Oct 312017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

If you haven’t locked your mortgage rate, this week could provide a great opportunity. Interest rates have been on a gentle path higher since early Sep. Markets generally are reacting to positive economic data and the possibility of tax reform.

This week should provide four big headlines that could move rates, and two involve the Federal Reserve.

The Fed meets this week for its next to last meeting of the year. Pretty much no one expects the Fed to change short term rates Wed, but analysts will slice and dice the post-meeting announcement to try to predict the Fed’s future actions. Of particular interest will be any reaction to persistently low inflation.

The second Fed headline is the expected nomination of the next Fed chair. Trump is expected to nominate Jerome Powell. Powell is seen as more likely to keep interest rates low and friendlier towards measured deregulation. Markets also like that he already is a Fed member, which provides some continuity. Rumors of his nomination pushed rates down Fri and Mon, but it’s quite possible the actual announcement could bump rates still lower.

The third headline is the tax reform plan, expected on Wed. Rumors are circulating that the tax cuts could be implemented in a staggered fashion over five years. While markets still will view the cuts as positive for the economy (and bad for rates), up until now they’ve been trading on expectations of an immediate economic boost. A staggered rollout would dampen their enthusiasm and could be positive for rates.

Our final headline is probably the least important, which is funny because it used to pack such a punch. Friday, we’ll get the monthly jobs report. Markets are expecting the report to show 300k jobs created in Oct. I think the report would have to miss the mark significantly for markets to even care.

All of these headlines overlay the factors we’ve discussed the last few weeks. Economic sentiment remains frothy in markets and among consumers. Inflation is minimal, and expectations are it will remain that way. Markets are mostly ignoring other news, both domestic and overseas. The takeaway is that this week’s headlines could bump rates lower, but be prepared for them to rise again once the headlines fade.

No down payment loan for hurricane victims

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Oct 302017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Government reports show Hurricane Harvey completely destroyed almost 13k homes and damaged more than 200k. As folks continue to recover from this destructive storm, some may be able to take advantage of a special FHA mortgage program specifically designed for disaster victims.

The program, called 203(h), allows a disaster victim to purchase a new home with no down payment. While the damaged home must be located in the federally declared disaster area, the new home can be anywhere. The damage to the existing home must be to such an extent that reconstruction or replacement is necessary.

As this is an FHA mortgage, it will have both up-front and monthly mortgage insurance. You can roll the up-front mortgage insurance into the loan. However, you cannot roll the closing costs into the loan. Check out my Can I Qualify video on our Web site for ideas how to cover closing costs.

The program’s guidelines provide flexibility. While you’re still responsible for any mortgage on your damaged home, we don’t have to count it when qualifying you if you provide evidence of insurance coverage. We also can ignore any late payments or other credit hiccups that resulted from the disaster as long as your credit was satisfactory before the disaster.

If this program sounds like it could help you, it’s important not to let too much time pass. You must apply for the new mortgage within 1 year of the disaster declaration date, which was 8/25. An equally important consideration is your credit. While lenders can ignore credit dings resulting from the disaster, the credit bureaus won’t, and late payments could depress your credit scores. You will find most lenders apply their standard credit score limits to the program. If you’re finding it hard to balance your finances post-disaster, it may make sense to take advantage of the program before your scores sink too low.

Rate update: New Fed chair could be unfriendly for low rates

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Oct 252017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

If you’re still floating your interest rate, you may be kicking yourself this week. Mortgage rates have risen 1/8% in the last week. While rates still are very low by historical standards, they’ve been fairly stable lately, making the rise seem rather abrupt.

Last week I recommended caution if you’re watching rates, and I’ll reiterate that this week. I don’t believe the forces pushing rates higher have subsided just yet. Sentiment still seems frothy, which negates the effects of factors that would limit rate increases, such as persistently low inflation.

In addition, we’ve added a couple other factors that seemingly work against lower rates. First is the nomination for Chair of the Federal Reserve. Trump is said to be seriously considering two individuals: John Taylor and Jay Powell. Markets consider Taylor to be less friendly towards low rates. Trump said he is “very, very close” to deciding, and it was reported he asked senators at lunch Tues if they approved of Taylor. The response from senators was positive, and markets took notice.

The second factor is a pending announcement from the European Central Bank. The ECB previously promised it would let us know about its plans to taper its bond buying program after tomorrow’s meeting. ECB bond buying is akin to the Fed’s quantitative easing, which led to record low interest rates. It’s not certain what if anything the ECB will announce, but markets are hedging for the worst.

Rate update: Low inflation checks interest rates

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Oct 172017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Interest rates received a nice surprise from inflation data last Fri. Last week, we discussed that several inflation metrics are showing budding inflation, especially at the producer level. We also discussed how producer inflation doesn’t always translate into consumer inflation, and that’s what we saw last week.

The consumer price index, the godfather of inflation measures, showed that core inflation actually rose at half the expected rate and stubbornly remains below the Fed’s target rate of 2%. Maybe just as important, consumer’s expectations for future inflation fell significantly, and this was despite the hurricane-induced increase in gasoline prices.

Well, bond markets liked this news enough to stop their march towards higher interest rates, but it wasn’t enough to ignite a new rally. Economic optimism is fairly pervasive at the moment, and with the White House and Congress singing Kumbaya together around the campfire, I think it would take a surprise event to deflate that optimism.

Short term I still recommend caution. There’s less friction for rates to move higher than lower. In other words, a less significant event, such as progress on tax reform or another hot inflation report, could move rates quickly higher.

Longer term, I think the chances for low rates still are good. The prospects of rising inflation and stronger economic growth helped lift rates off their recent lows, but they’re still only prospects. Most economists are predicting mediocre growth and low inflation for the coming year, and that would support our current low rates.

Rate update: Budding inflation leading to higher rates

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Oct 102017

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Bond markets got spooked last week, and interest rates moved higher. The media blamed the move on many things, but I think the underlying motivation is fear of inflation. While the Fed’s favored inflation metric, the PCE, continues to show negligible inflation, some other measures are beginning to show pricing pressure.

The first hint was the consumer price index a couple weeks ago, which showed consumer inflation approaching 2% again. Some analysts discounted the reading due to potential effects of Hurricane Harvey; however, the rise was greater than expected.

Very strong Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing surveys followed last week. The internals of both reports showed businesses reporting significantly higher input prices. While these pricing pressures don’t always percolate up to consumer prices, the magnitude of the increases was disconcerting.

The topper was the jobs report last Fri. The headline numbers were contradictory. The business survey showed the economy lost 33k jobs, but the household survey showed it gained about 900k. But what caught my eye was the impressive 0.5% monthly wage growth. Economists have been predicting low unemployment would push wage growth for years now, and we finally may be seeing it.

But, as I’ve said before, one month doesn’t make a trend, so it will be interesting to see if the readings remain higher once the effects of the hurricanes dissipate. It also will be interesting to see if consumer sentiment surveys begin to show expectations of higher inflation. If expectations start to align with economic reports, higher inflation could get locked into place.

Could rates move lower again? Sure they could, especially given all the potentially explosive issues facing the world. But I suggest you stay defensive unless and until you see rates heading down again.