Rate update: Giving thanks for lower rates

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Nov 192018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Starting this holiday week, we find mortgage rates still hanging out in the same range they’ve held since the first part of Oct, albeit at the lower end of that range thanks to “flight to safety” market action last week. And it’s that action that possibly could deliver an early Christmas present of lower rates in the upcoming weeks.

First, let’s get through this week. Holiday weeks like this tend to produce limited overall rate movement because few traders are tuned in. In the odd case that remaining traders push rates higher or lower, the market probably will self-correct next week absent some unexpected headline. My conclusion is if you aren’t risk averse, odds are you’ll see similar rates next week given the current market sentiment.

Looking out a little further, we have the most positive outlook for lower rates that we’ve had since summer. While the US economy still looks incredibly strong, global conditions aren’t quite as rosy. Economists are starting to sound alarm bells about slowing global growth. On top of that, recent headlines about Brexit, the Italian budget drama, and emerging market difficulties are like wind gusts embedded in an increasing headwind.

Traders mostly had been ignoring these negative factor given the prospects for rising US inflation, increased government borrowing, and the Federal Reserve’s apparent rate hike plan, all of which support higher rates. However, last week’s inflation report showed inflation remains tame. Friday, the Fed’s Vice Chair acknowledged the potential effects of slowing global growth on the US economy, which made traders question the rate hike plan.

Overall, I think momentum favors slightly lower rates, but if you’re going to float your rate, be cautious. The US economy is still a powerhouse, and I’m not convinced yet we’ve seen the highest rates of this cycle.

Rate update: Good reason for rising rates

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Nov 052018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

A strong jobs report last Fri shot rates back up to their recent highs. Not only was the number of jobs created greater than expected, wage growth was at its highest since before the recession. Both stoked concerns about inflation, bad news for interest rates.

This week could be an interesting one for rates. First, this week’s Treasury auctions will debut newly increased auction amounts. It will be interesting to see if the current higher rates will be able to attract enough buyers or if even higher rates are needed to clear the auctions.

Later in the week, we have a Federal Reserve meeting. However, the chairman won’t have a post-meeting press conference, and no one expects the Fed to change its stance regarding interest rates at this meeting.

The wildcard this week is the election. It’s very likely markets have priced in the most likely outcome: Democrats take over the House and Republicans increase their numbers a little in the Senate. If we wake up Wed with different results, you can expect market volatility. Common wisdom suggests a bad night for Republicans could be good for lower rates as it would jeopardize the current trajectory of the economy.

If you’re floating your interest rate, I suggest caution. Rates are currently at the higher end of their recent range. Most pundits believe that if we break above that range, rates will move higher quickly.

A funny thing happened on the way to higher interest rates

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Oct 292018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

A funny thing happened on the way to higher interest rates.

The sell-off in the equities market last week put a pause on rising interest rates as all of that cash from stock sales needed somewhere to go, and some of it found its way into the bond market. The pause was a welcome respite, but it still leaves mortgage rates near 7-year highs. But with all the turmoil in equities, the question is why aren’t rate doing better?

Market sentiment of late seems to have focused on two things: continued strength in the US economy and continued monetary tightening from the Federal Reserve. Both support higher interest rates, and with rising inflation metrics this summer, most investors were betting rates would move even higher.

But this week, the punch wore off, and investors realized higher rates might dampen US economic growth. At least, that’s what the talking heads said. Personally, I’m not convinced it was just higher rates that caused the market turmoil. Investors have been piling on the side of higher rates for months now, and with the relaxation of global uncertainties last month, I think investors grew complacent about the risks to the global economy. But the world is still a scary place. Some of those uncertainties have reared their heads again, which balanced the scales – at least momentarily.

This coming week is a big one for US economic data. Strong data could stoke rates higher again. The inflation scare from this summer has subsided a bit, but I suspect all eyes will be on this Friday’s jobs report, especially the wage component. Unless we get a big surprise earlier in the week, I’m betting markets will keep rates in a narrow range waiting for Friday.

Rate update: Rates simply ran out of crises

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Sep 182018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

We were hoping last week’s inflation report would keep a lid on interest rates. Unfortunately, that lid didn’t hold, and we’re looking at the highest mortgage rates in about 5 years. Granted, rates still are historically low, but for some folks “rates in the 4’s” are now in the rear-view mirror.

So, what’s going on? We’re looking at a variety of factors.

– Even though last week’s inflation report was tame, inflation still is elevated compared to last year and supports the idea of additional Fed rate hikes.

– The Fed will again reduce its bond buying on Oct 1st as part of its efforts to shrink its balance sheet.

– Economic activity and consumer confidence have reached short-term highs, and a healthy economy tends to put pressure on rates.

– Wages finally seem to be rising, and rising wages typically filter through to higher consumer inflation and higher economic growth.

– Government borrowing to fund deficit spending means a greater supply of bonds as the Fed is tapering its demand.

Against this backdrop, we’ve had a series of mini-crises this year that kept investors on edge. Trade fears probably have been the most pervasive, but even the fear of with a trade war seems to be dissipating. The apocalyptic predictions didn’t pan out, and investors seem to be viewing the posturing as negotiating tactics rather than a real threat to the global economy.

Other threats still exist, and I think those will keeps rates from rising too much too fast. However, for now, if rates take a temporary dip, it probably makes sense to lock.

Rate update: Inflation rears its ugly head

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Sep 122018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

With summer behind us, things could get more interesting for interest rates. That may result in more volatility than we saw during the summer, but the same forces that were at work then remain relevant now.

Inflation remains enemy number one of those who want low interest rates. We’ve talked the last few months about how consumer inflation seems to be inching higher, but wage inflation has remained mostly contained. Well, that changed with last week’s jobs report. Average hourly earnings broke through an important ceiling, and rates quickly responded by moving higher. More importantly, total wages, which factors in hours worked, are up 5.1% in the past year. That provides a lot of extra juice for the economy.

Interestingly, earnings for workers in the bottom 10% based on income saw earnings grow 3.9% whereas the top 10% saw only 1.2% growth. That’s positive for the economy because lower income workers are more likely to spend their extra earnings.

Now, the question is will these extra earnings translate into extra consumer demand leading to higher consumer prices. We may get an answer this Thurs through the release of the Consumer Price Index. As we’ve discussed before, the CPI is the granddaddy of inflation measures. The core rate has been rising slowly all year and currently exceeds 2%, the Fed’s supposed target rate. It’s a good bet if Thursday’s reading shows another rise, it will give markets a jolt.

Markets also may be watching the European Central Bank meeting this week. European economic growth has been positive, but not all that and a bag of chips. Rumors are the ECB may downgrade its future growth estimates. That may result in some flight-to-safety bond buying, which could help keep US rates contained.

Rate update: Tariffs, Turkey, and Trump move rates

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Aug 282018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Watching paint dry has been more exciting this summer that watching interest rates. Even the latest impeachment bait couldn’t get rates to move out of their current range. When will the boredom end?

If history holds any clues, probably sometime in Sep. Why Sep? Well, first of all, traders will be back at their desks trying to make money. Tradeflow movement in bond markets is more likely when there are, well, traders.

One of the events that might influence tradeflows is the Federal Reserve meeting at the end of Sep. The Fed is widely expected to raise short term interest rates once again, and market watchers will carefully parse the post-meeting pronouncements to glean whether another hike is likely in Dec. A couple of Fed members recently have cautioned against a Dec hike.

Before we get to the Fed meeting, we’ll see new inflation data in addition to more headlines concerning tariffs, Turkey, and Trump – and, of course, the mid-term elections. Trade deals with China and our NAFTA partners could remove some of the risk premium currently built into rates – edging rates higher again as we’ve seen the last couple days. If the Turkish crisis proves to be contagious, a new risk-off trade could lead to lower rates. And any political developments that investors believe could imperil the current economic boom would do the same.

I realize I’m being somewhat equivocal concerning the direction of rates, and that’s because I don’t see a lot of reasons for rates to move – except in response to headlines. If you’re floating your rate right now, consider that rates still are close to their recent lows, and I think it will take more significant headlines to move rates lower than higher.

More low down payment options

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Aug 222018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have 3% down conventional loan programs that target low-to-moderate income folks. We used to call these community lending programs because they’re designed to fulfill Fannie and Freddie’s mandate to provide assistance for mortgages to low and moderate income families and underserved areas. The programs go by the monikers HomeReady and HomePossible.

Unlike the programs we discussed yesterday, you don’t have to be a first-time homebuyer to qualify. However, if the buyers are first-timers, one of them must complete a homebuyer education course for the HomePossible program. For HomeReady, one must complete homebuyer education regardless of first-timer status.

The programs are income-limited. By that I mean your total income cannot exceed a limit, which can differ even within a given county. For both programs, the limit typically is set to an area’s median income. However, the programs waive the limit in disaster areas and in certain areas Fannie and Freddie consider to be underserved. Call me if you want some help determining the income limit for your area.

So, given the programs we discussed yesterday, who cares that we have another 3% down program? Three reasons:

– Conventional low down-payment programs require mortgage insurance, which can bump up your housing payment quite a bit. HomeReady and HomePossible have lower mortgage insurance rates than the other low down payment programs.

– Second, the programs’ easier guidelines may make it easier for you to qualify.

– Finally, you don’t have to be a first-time homebuyer. For HomePossible, you can’t currently own other real estate, but Freddie carves out some exceptions to that in cases of divorce or inheritance.

The programs have other features and restrictions that may make one more appropriate for you than the other. Give me a call to see what’s the best fit for your situation.

Freddie adds another low down payment option

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Aug 202018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Freddie Mac recently joined Fannie Mae in offering a 3% down conventional loan program with no income limitations. Freddie calls its program HomeOne, and like Fannie’s program, it targets first-time homebuyers.

A lot of folks hear that, first-time homebuyers, and tune out, but you may be a first-time homebuyer and not realize it. Fannie and Freddie define a first-time homebuyer as someone who hasn’t owned real estate in the last 3 years. Freddie expands that definition to allow folks who owned a home with their ex-spouse to qualify.

If you’re buying a home with another person, only one of you has to be a first-time homebuyer. And if all of you are first-time homebuyers, one must complete a homebuyer education course prior to closing. The cost is minimal, and most folks complete the course online.

The programs are limited to single-family homes and condos and have a min credit score of 620. The 3% down payment may come from your own funds or from an acceptable gift source, such as a family member. It can’t come from the seller, but the seller can contribute up to 3% of the price towards your closing costs.

With this offering, Freddie and Fannie finally have comparable low down payment programs. The two have nuanced differences, so give me a call to see if one program is more appropriate for you than the other.

Next time, we’ll look at conventional low down payment options that specifically target low-to-moderate income folks.

Rate update: Tame inflation keeps rates in summer slumber

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Aug 092018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

Other than the short tantrum mortgage rates performed a couple weeks ago, the market has been in a summer slumber. And even that tantrum didn’t take rates out of the range they’ve inhabited the last few months. This week’s economic headliner could change that, but I doubt it.

Friday brings the release of the all-important Consumer Price Index (CPI), the granddaddy of inflation measures. Wholesale inflation, wage inflation, and oil prices all ticked higher earlier this year, and many analysts expected consumer inflation would follow in short order. We got a hint in that direction a couple months ago, which brought markets to attention.

However, since then, these other inflation measures have relaxed again. Wholesale inflation, released yesterday, and wage inflation, as indicated by the big jobs report last week, were flat. Oil prices, too, have flattened, and the Personal Consumption Expenditures Index, the broader inflation measure favored by the Fed, slipped back below 2%.

So, all eyes are on the CPI tomorrow. Given the weakening of the other measures, a reading that moves the index higher could make rates jump again. Unfortunately, a moderate reading probably won’t lead to much lower rates but will instead just let rates continue to slumber in their current range.

Jul 162018

For more information, please contact me at (512) 261-1542 or steve@LoneStarLending.com.

By G. Steven Bray

It feels like deja vu all over again. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) will expire on Jul 31 unless Congress acts to extend it. The program currently is operating on a short-term extension passed in March.

In Nov, the House passed a package of bills that extended the program until 2022. However, they included reforms, including the expansion of private flood insurance to compete with the federal program. While most recognize the program needs to be reformed, the Senate wasn’t comfortable with the scope of the House vision.

Without its own NFIP reform bill, the Senate has opted to kick the can down the road one more time. It slipped another short-term extension into the Farm Bill passed at the end of Jun.

Unfortunately, the Senate version of the Farm Bill differs significantly from the House version. The two bills now go to conference committee to find a compromise that can pass both chambers. The problem is compromise could take a long time, and the clock is ticking on NFIP.

If Congress fails to extend the program, it would have to stop issuing and renewing policies. Realtors estimate this could impact as many as 40,000 loan closings each month.

Congressmen and Senators, especially those from coastal areas, are well aware of what a disaster that would be, especially with the onset of the hurricane season. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Congress strip the extension from the Farm Bill and pass a standalone bill just in the nick of time.